Conferences & Presentations





  • Papathanassis, A. (2021). MS Crisis of the Seas:  Cruises, COVID19 and the Future.  presented in the Gdynia Maritime University – Project JOHANNA – Joint staff qualification and small-ship cruising sustainable development in South Baltic Sea. (Gdynia, Poland). October 18th.  Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2021).  Kreuzfahrttourismus & Nachhaltigkeit: „Seilspringen ist kein Seiltanz!“, presented in the TWLogistik (Bremerhaven, Germany).  September 3rd. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2021).  Cruise Port 2.0 – Das ‘Inside Out Terminal’:  Konzentration im Kreuzfahrtsektor – Bedeutet dies einen strategischen Paradigmenwechsel für die Häfen?, presented in the 1. Stakeholder-Workshop zur Erarbeitung des Bremischen Hafenkonzeptes 2030 (Bremerhaven, Germany).  October 6th. Available URL:


  • Papathanassis, A. (2019).  The Business Cycle in the Cruise Industry: A Short Cruise across the Blue Ocean, presented in the International Cruise Summit 2019 (Madrid, Spain).  November 28th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2019).  (Mis)Understanding Overtourism and the Cruise Business:  The Zen of Cruise Management presented in the Handelsblatt Kreuzfahrtkongress 2019 (Hamburg, Germany).  November 18th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2019).  (Mis)Understanding Overtourism and the Cruise Business:  ‘Open Source Tourism’ and the ‘Mozilla Firefox Haircut’, presented in the1st Business Deck Hamburg Cruise Days (Hamburg, Germany). September 13th.  Available URL:


  • Papathanassis, A. (2018).  Cruise Tourism DNA:  Making Sense of Current Developments and Challenges, presented in the 70. Sitzung der Konferenz Tourismus beim Deutschen Städtetag, (Bremerhaven, Germany).  September 19th. Available URL:


  • Papathanassis, A. (2017).  A ‘Bathtub Model of Over-Tourism:  Exploring Causes, Challenges and Solutions, presented in the 25th World Travel Monitor Forum (Pisa, Italy).  November 10th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2017).  Cruise 4.0: A ‘Hands-On’ View on Current Trends and the Furture, presented in the 8th Rittal Branchentag Schiff & See (Hamburg, Germany).  May 9th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2017).  ‘Corruption Spice’: An Exploration of Corruption-related Perceptions of Holiday-Makers and their Impact on Travel Behaviour, presented in the 1st Yellow Tourism Conference (Corfu, Greece).  April 28th. Available URL:


  • Papathanassis, A. (2016).  Tourism Development:  Understanding and Effectively Managing Corruption, presented in the Corruption, Democracy and Development Congress, (Constanta, Romania).  December 8th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2016).  The ‘Augeas Stable’ Challenge: Combating Tourism-related Corruption, presented in the Global Economy Under Crisis (GEUC) Conference, (Constanta, Romania).  December 8th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2016).  Cruise Market: Vision Today and Future Perspectives, presented in the Agents Association (AGEPOR) IX Congress 2016 (Oporto, PT).  October 9th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2016).  ‘High Hopes & High Seas’: The Role and Impact of Cruise Tourism in Destination Development, presented in the International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA) Biennial Conference 2016 (Greenwich, UK).  August 19th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2016).  ‘The Tourism Minotaur’: Addressing Key Destination Policy and Strategy Challenges, presented in the 6th CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Constanta, Romania).  June 13th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2016).  ‘Oysters and The Beach Disease’: A Critical Discussion on Tourism-Induced Economic Growth, presented in the 13th Present Issues of Global Economy (PIGE) Conference, (Constanta, Romania).  June 3rd. Available URL:


  • Papathanassis, A. (2015).  Kreuzfahrttourismus:  Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen? Wachstumsdynamik, Verantwortung und Ethik, presented in the Bremerhavener Service Club Symposium (Bremerhaven, Germany).  November 18th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2015).  ‘The Poet and the Warrior’: Crisis Management, Reputation and Image in Tourism, presented in the 5th CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Kherson, Ukraine).  September 9th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2015).  F&B vs. Culinary Experience Management:  The Example of the Cruise Sector and Implications for Destination Product Development, presented in the 4th CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Odessa, Ukraine).  July 21st. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2015).  ‘The Tourism Knot’ Hypothesis: Tourism Income and Economic Development, presented in the 4th CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Batumi, Georgia & Odessa, Ukraine).  July 16th and 20th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2015).  ‘Putting a Smile on the Parrot’s Face:  An Exploration of the All-Inclusive Debate, presented in the Conference for Sustainable Tourism & Development in the European Union, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (Kos, Greece).  May 2nd   Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2015).  ‘All at Sea’:  e-Cruising Transformation & Implications, presented in the Conference for Sustainable Tourism & Development in the European Union, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (Kos, Greece).  May 1st   Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2015).  ‘Herding Cats’: Emerging, Guest-Centric Destination Development, presented in the 3rd CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Varna, Bulgaria).  April 21st. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2015).  The ‘Holiday Cartels’: Concentration in Tourism & Implications for the Destinations, presented in the Workshop for Sustainable Tourism & Development in the European Union, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (Athens, Greece).  March 26th.  Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2015).  Grounded Theory ‘Reloaded’: Bridging the Gap between Research Philosophy and Method, presented in the Research Methodology Workshop, Utrecht University (Utrecht, Netherlands).  February 26th.  Available URL:


  • Papathanassis, A. (2014).  Die Kreuzfahrtbranche und Zukunftsperspektiven:  Warum ist Wachstum eine Phase und kein dauerhafter Zustand?, presented in the Bremen Maritime Week, Bremer Touristik-Zentrale (Bremen, Germany).  September  23rd.  Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2014).  Cruise Destination Development:   “A Dwarf Challenging Giants” – The Case of Bremerhaven, presented in the Maritime Tourism Summer School, University of the Aegean (Rhodes, Greece).  September  3rd.  Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2014).  ‘Cruise Tourism Mechanics’:  Understanding the industry’s Dynamics & Current Structures, presented in the Maritime Tourism Summer School, University of the Aegean (Rhodes, Greece).  September  1st.  Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2014).  The ‘Odessa Chandelier’:  Black Sea Cruise Destination Management, presented in the 2nd CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Bremerhaven, Germany).  June 17th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2014).  ‘Freestyle Sirens’:Reviewing a Decade of Cruise Research, presented in the 2nd ICTR Conference (Poznan, Poland).  May 19th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2014).  ‘Stranded at Sea’:Exploring Passenger Reactions during Accidents at Sea, presented in the 5th International Cruise Conference (Bremerhaven, Germany).  January 25th. Available URL:
  • Mantel, L & Papathanassis, A. (2014).  Cruise Passengers Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Cruises: An Empirical Research Using the Theory of Planned Behavior, presented in the 5th International Cruise Conference (Bremerhaven, Germany).  January 25th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2014).  ‘Kann man aus Silber Gold machen?’:  Kreuzfahrt und der Demografischer Wandel, presented in the Sonderausstellung der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft zum Wissenschaftsjahr 2013 (Bremerhaven, Germany).  January 5th. Available URL:




  • Papathanassis, A. (2011).  The Globalisation at Sea:  Cruise Sector Growth and its Externalitiespresented in the Handelsblatt Kreuzfahrtkongress 2011 (Hamburg, Germany).  November 10th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2011).  ‘The Weeping Philosopher’:  How Sustainable is the Global Cruise Market, presented in the 19th World Travel Monitor Forum (Pisa, Italy).  November 3rd. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2011).  ‘Income Lighthouses at Sea’: The Potential of Cruise Tourism for German Destinations, presented in the fachforum*  Kreuzfahrttourismus in Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel, Germany).  September 9th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. , Matuszewski, I. & Brejla, P.  (2011).The ‘Cruise Ship Railing Dance’:  Conducting academic research in the cruise domain, presented in the 3rd International Cruise Conference, University of Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik, Croatia). May 17th.  Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2011).The ‘Sauna Mafia’ and the ‘Pyjama Raiders’:   Exploring the dynamics of guest to guest interaction on board cruise ships, presented in the 3rd International Cruise Conference, University of Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik, Croatia). May 17th.  Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2011).  Cruise Destination Management:   The ‘Growth Cruise to Ithaca’, presented in the FVW Workshop  (Rhodes, Greece).  April 30th. Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2011).  Farming Icebergs:  Cruise Destination Marketing in the Northern Atlantic, presented in the Cruise Gateway Opening Conference (Hamburg, Germany).  February 17th. Available URL:



  • Papathanassis, A. (2008). Cruise Sector Growth & Destination Development:  Development for cruising vs. Development through cruising, presented in the Meeresnutzung im Jahr 2025:  Wirtschaftliche Chancen für Cuxhaven. Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade (Cuxhaven, Germany). November 14th.  Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. & Breitner, M.H. (2008). Booking cruises online:  An issue of trust?, presented in the 1st International Cruise Conference, Bremerhaven University of Applied Science (Bremerhaven, Germany). September 27th.  Available URL:
  • Papathanassis, A. (2008). Managing Systems Integration in Tourism:  Exploring the Maintenance & Investment Traps. Presented in the 7th E-Tourism Futures Forum. University of Bournemouth (Bournemouth, UK). April 10th. Available URL:


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