Alexis’ AI-generated Cruise Talks: Don’t feel like reading my work… Then listen to it!
To have an impact, tourism and cruise research needs to be accessible and attractive to a wider audience! Yet, my occasional quote in the press or brief radio soundbite only scratches the surface! So… Instead of reading my research and attending my speeches, you can simply hear it as an AI-generated podcast! You can explore […]
Observer Research Foundation – Great Oceans Dialogue 2024
Is Cruise Tourism the Future of Coastal Economies? Cruising to Growth: Blue Tourism and Sustainability Tourism, including cruise tourism, is an integral component of many island and coastal nations’ plans to grow their blue economy. The industry supports millions of workers directly and indirectly and is a crucial source of income for many otherwise underdeveloped […]
Bremerhaven Podcast: Cruise Tourism, Education and Research (in German)
Ein Kreuzfahrtexperte erzählt. In dieser neuen Episode „Vom Deich ins Ohr“ hat Corinna ein ausführliches Interview mit Prof.Dr.Dr. Alexis Papathanassis geführt. Er ist nicht nur Rektor der Hochschule Bremerhaven sondern auch mit ganzen Herzen Touristiker. Seine besondere Leidenschaft gilt der Kreuzfahrt. Wie es dazu kam, woran er derzeit forscht und was seine Zukunftsaussichten für die […]
i2b Event Bremerhaven – Nachhaltig Smart: Wie Digitalisierung zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Tourismus führt
September 2023: Teilnahme an einer Diskussionsrunde von Tourismusexperten und regionalen Stakeholdern, um das Potenzial der Digitalisierung für die Nachhaltigkeit des Tourismus zu beleuchten. Meine Impulsrede befasst sich mit dem Potenzial intelligenter Anwendungen zur Vermeidung von Ressourcenverschwendung, zur Normalisierung der Saisonalität, zur Bewusstseinsbildung und zur Ermöglichung nachhaltiger Entscheidungsfindungen. Smarte Technologien sind der Schlüssel, um die wirtschaftliche […]
FVW Knowledge-Day Cruise: Sustainability (in German)
Alexis discusses sustainability developments and technological trends with cruise company representatives during an expert panel hosted by FVW Magazine. Alexis discusses sustainability developments and technological trends with cruise company representatives during an expert panel hosted by FVW Magazine. The session can be accessed here (from the 22nd minute). Moderation:Christiane von Pilar, chief reporter fvw|TravelTalk Panel […]
Alexis’ Public Lecture: Wissen um 11 – ‚Handtuch-Kriege‘ und die ‚Strand-Krankheit‘: Institutionelle Korruption und die Tourismusökonomie
The lecture is live on the 11th of Feb 2023 (at 11:00) in the Haus der Wissenschaft (Bremen) and is also made available in YouTube. The lecture is held in German. Summary: The global growth of the tourism sector over the last decades has highlighted its potential as a growth strategy for developing and emerging […]
People and Science in Bremen: Alexis’ Interview
Despite its relatively small size, the federal state of Bremen hosts a remarkable concentration of scientific and research institutions. The portraits and interviews of the actual scientists (incl. myself) can be found here: Wissenschaft-Persoenlich.
UN Ocean Decade (Productive Ocean Lab): Wrap-Up
The Wrap-Up session of the UN Ocean Decade Event – Productive Ocean Lab is available online (click here). This is a milestone event, bringing scientists and experts from all over the world to discuss and provide input for the roadmap towards a sustainable and productive ocean.