Download Alexis’ Presentations


Cruise Tourism Quo Vadis: A resource-based view (RBV) perspective on cruise futures (English).

Kreuzfahrt Quo Vadis? Betrachtung der Kreuzfahrtzukunft mittels eines ressourcenorientierten Ansatzes (RBV) (in German) 

(presented in the 15th Conference of the Humboldt-Society for Science, Art and Education E. V (Bremerhaven, Germany). May 11.)

Cruise Tourism Sector State and Dynamics: Institute of Maritime Tourism Update 2024  (English) 

Aktuelle Lage und Dynamik der Kreuzfahrttourismusbranche: Institute of Maritime Tourism Update 2024 (in German)

(presented in the Assembly meeting of the Nautical Association Bremerhaven (Germany). March 26 and the Weser Yacht Club Bremerhaven (Germany) April 11)

Cruise Tourism Horizons 2050:  Learning from ‘Laomedon’s Curse’ and ‘Cassandra’s Fate’.

(presented in the Special Lecture Series (King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok) Thailand).  February 21)


From ‘Smart’ to ‘Intelligent’: The Sustainability Potential of Digitalisation in Tourism.

Von ,smart‘ zu ,intelligent‘: Das Nachhaltigkeits-Potenzial von Digitalisierung im Tourismus. (German Version-Slides 10-17)

(presented in the ‘i2b – Idea 2 Business – Event Series (Bremerhaven, Germany). September 21).

‘Damocles’ (Sustainability) Trident:  What are the prospects for cruise tourism (in English)?

‘Damokles-Nachhaltigkeitsdreizack’: Welche Perspektiven hat der Kreuzfahrttourismus?

(presented in the ‘EKD Tagung der Kreuzfahrtseelsorge’ Series (Hannover, Germany). September 5).

‘Monsters of the Seas’:  Why are cruise-ships getting bigger and what is their impact on ports and the environment? (in English)

‘Ungeheuer der Meere’:  Warum werden Kreuzfahrtschiffe immer größer und welche Auswirkungen haben sie auf Häfen und die Umwelt? (In German)

(presented in the ‘Science Goes Public’ Series (Bremerhaven, Germany). March 2) 

‘Handtuch-Krieg‘ und die ‘Strand-Krankheit‘ : Institutionelle Korruption und die Tourismusökonomie

(presented in the ‘Wissen um 11’: House der Wissenschaft Series (Bremen, Germany). February 11) 


Are Sustainable Cruises Possible? The ‘Headline Law’ of Cruising. 

(presented in the Niedersachsen Camp 2022 (Bremerhaven, Germany). November 29)   

Post-Pandemic Cruise Tourism: A Re-enactment of Kafka’s ‘Metamorphosis’?

(presented in the Cruise Copenhagen General Assemby (Copenhagen, Denmark). October 28)

The ‘$2 Million Shark’ Effect: Re-telling the Cruise Story and Restoring the Sector‘s Image.

(presented in the Cuxhavener Kreuzfahrtforum (Cuxhaven, Germany). June 16.)


MS Crisis of the Seas:  Cruises, COVID19 and the Future  

(presented in the Gdynia Maritime University – Project JOHANNA – Joint staff qualification and small-ship cruising sustainable development in South Baltic Sea. (Gdynia, Poland). October 18th).

Kreuzfahrttourismus & Nachhaltigkeit: „Seilspringen ist kein Seiltanz!“

(presented in the TWLogistik (Bremerhaven, Germany).  September 3rd.)

Cruise Port 2.0 – Das ‘Inside Out Terminal’:  Konzentration im Kreuzfahrtsektor – Bedeutet dies einen strategischen Paradigmenwechsel für die Häfen?

(presented in the 1. Stakeholder-Workshop zur Erarbeitung des Bremischen Hafenkonzeptes 2030 (Bremerhaven, Germany).  October 6th)


The Business Cycle in the Cruise Industry: A Short Cruise across the Blue Ocean

(presented in the International Cruise Summit 2019 (Madrid, Spain).  November 28th.)

(Mis)Understanding Overtourism and the Cruise Business:  The Zen of Cruise Management

(presented in the Handelsblatt Kreuzfahrtkongress 2019 (Hamburg, Germany).  November 18th)

(Mis)Understanding Overtourism and the Cruise Business:  ‘Open Source Tourism’ and the ‘Mozilla Firefox Haircut’

(presented in the1st Business Deck Hamburg Cruise Days (Hamburg, Germany). September 13th. )


Cruise Tourism DNA:  Making Sense of Current Developments and Challenges

(presented in the 70. Sitzung der Konferenz Tourismus beim Deutschen Städtetag, (Bremerhaven, Germany).  September 19th.)


A ‘Bathtub Model of Over-Tourism:  Exploring Causes, Challenges and Solutions

(presented in the 25th World Travel Monitor Forum (Pisa, Italy).  November 10th.)

Cruise 4.0:  Hands-On View on Current Trends and the Future

(presented in the 8th Rittal Branchentag Schiff & See (Hamburg, Germany).  May 9th)

‘Corruption Spice’: An Exploration of Corruption-related Perceptions of Holiday-Makers and their Impact on Travel Behaviour

(presented in the 1st Yellow Tourism Conference (Corfu, Greece).  April 28th)


Tourism Development:  Understanding and Effectively Managing Corruption

(presented in the Corruption, Democracy and Development Congress, (Constanta, Romania).  December 8th )

The ‘Augeas Stable’ Challenge: Combating Tourism-related Corruption

(presented in the Global Economy Under Crisis (GEUC) Conference 2016 (Contstanta, RO).  December 8th)

 Cruise Market: Vision Today and Future Perspectives

(presented in the Agents Association (AGEPOR) IX Congress 2016 (Oporto, PT).  October 9th)

‘High Hopes & High Seas’: The Role and Impact of Cruise Tourism in Destination Development

(presented in the International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA) Biennial Conference 2016 (Greenwich, UK).  August 19th)

‘The Tourism Minotaur’: Addressing Key Destination Policy and Strategy Challenges

(presented in the 1st Yellow Tourism Conference (Corfu, Greece).  April 28th)

‘Oysters and The Beach Disease’: A Critical Discussion on Tourism-Induced Economic Growth

(presented in the 13th Present Issues of Global Economy (PIGE) Conference, (Constanta, Romania).  June 3rd)


Kreuzfahrttourismus:  Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen? Wachstumsdynamik, Verantwortung und Ethik

(presented in the Bremerhavener Service Club Symposium (Bremerhaven, Germany).  November 18th).

‘The Poet and the Warrior’: Crisis Management, Reputation and Image in Tourism

(presented in the 5th CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Kherson, Ukraine).  September 9th)

F&B vs. Culinary Experience Management:  The Example of the Cruise Sector and Implications for Destination Product Development

(presented in the 4th CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Odessa, Ukraine).  July 21st.)

‘The Tourism Knot’ Hypothesis: Tourism Income and Economic Development

(presented in the 4th CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Batumi, Georgia & Odessa, Ukraine).  July 16th and 20th)

‘Putting a Smile on the Parrot’s Face:  An Exploration of the All-Inclusive Debate

(presented in the Conference for Sustainable Tourism & Development in the European Union, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (Kos, Greece).  May 2nd)

‘All at Sea’:  e-CruisingTransformation & Implications

(presented in the Conference for Sustainable Tourism & Development in the European Union, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (Kos, Greece).  May 1st)

‘Herding Cats’: Emerging, Guest-Centric Destination Development

(presented in the 3rd CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Varna, Bulgaria).  April 21st)

The‘Holiday Cartels’: Concentration in Tourism & Implications for the Destinations

(presented in the Workshop for Sustainable Tourism & Development in the European Union, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (Athens, Greece).  March 26th.)

Grounded Theory ‘Reloaded’: Bridging the Gap between Research Philosophy and Method

(presented in the Research Methodology Workshop, Utrecht University (Utrecht, Netherlands).  February 26th).


 Die Kreuzfahrtbranche und Zukunftsperspektiven: Warum ist Wachstum eine Phase und kein dauerhafter Zustand?

(presented in the Bremen Maritime Week, Bremer Touristik-Zentrale (Bremen, Germany). September 23rd)

Cruise Destination Development: “A Dwarf Challenging Giants” – The Case of Bremerhaven 

(presented in the Maritime Tourism Summer School, University of the Aegean (Rhodes, Greece). September 3rd.)

‘Cruise Tourism Mechanics’: Understanding the industry’s Dynamics & Current Structures

(presented in the Maritime Tourism Summer School, University of the Aegean (Rhodes, Greece). September 1st.)

The ‘Odessa Chandelier’: Black Sea Cruise Destination Management

(presented in the 2nd CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Bremerhaven, Germany). June 17th)

‘Freestyle Sirens’:  Reviewing a Decade of Cruise Research

(presented in the 2nd ICTR Conference (Poznan, Poland).  May 19th)

‘Stranded at Sea’: Exploring Passenger Reactions during Accidents at Sea

(presented in the 5th International Cruise Conference (Bremerhaven, Germany).  January 25th)

Cruise Passengers Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Cruises

(presented in the 5th International Cruise Conference (Bremerhaven, Germany).  January 25th)

‘Kann man aus Silber Gold machen?’: Kreuzfahrt und der Demografischer Wandel

(presented in the Sonderausstellung der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft zum Wissenschaftsjahr 2013 (Bremerhaven, Germany).  January 5th)


The ‘Cruise-Gate’ Analogy: Rethinking the Value of Port Alliances and Meeting Future Challenges

(presented in the fachforum*  Kreuzfahrttourismus in Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel, Germany).  November 28th.)

Research-Based Learning: An Opportunity for Academic ‘Para-olympics’

(presented in the GUUGLE Forum (Bremerhaven, Germany).  November 12th.)

The ‘Cruise Cake-Cherry Dilemma’: Cruise Development and Tourism Destinations

(presented in the TEE Workshop 2013 (Corfu, Greece).  February 19th.)


Managing ‘Cruise Leaks’: Navigating through a Sea of Information

(presented in the Handelsblatt Kreuzfahrtkongress 2011 (Hamburg, Germany).  November 22nd.)

Cruise Sector as a Global Tourism Player:  ‘Mass Class’ under the ‘Magnifying Glass’

(presented in the ICTR Conference (Peniche, Portugal).  November 7th.)

The ‘Cruise Apple’: Cruise Travel – Which Challenges lie Ahead?

(presented in the 20th World Travel Monitor Forum (Pisa, Italy).  October 31st.)

An Eye on Cruises: Cruise Market Overview 2012

(presented in the Maritime Tourism & Island Development Conference 2012, Aegean University (Chios, Greece). September 13th.)

The Daedalos Principle of Innovation Management

(presented in the DASTA Conference 2012, Ionian University (Corfu, Greece).)

‘Short of a Picnic’:  Reconsidering Sandwich Programmes in Cruise Education

(presented in the 4th International Cruise Conference, Stenden University (Leeuwarden, Netherlands). May 22nd.)


The Globalisation at Sea: Cruise Sector Growth and its Externalities

(presented in the Handelsblatt Kreuzfahrtkongress 2011 (Hamburg, Germany).  November 10th.)

‘The Weeping Philosopher’: How Sustainable is the Global Cruise Market

(presented in the 19th World Travel Monitor Forum (Pisa, Italy).  November 3rd.)

‘Income Lighthouses at Sea’: The Potential of Cruise Tourism for German Destinations

(presented in the fachforum*  Kreuzfahrttourismus in Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel, Germany).  September 9th.)

The ‘Cruise Ship Railing Dance’: Conducting academic research in the cruise domain

(presented in the 3rd International Cruise Conference, University of Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik, Croatia). May 17th.)

The ‘Sauna Mafia’ and the ‘Pyjama Raiders’: Exploring the dynamics of guest to guest interaction on board cruise ships

(presented in the 3rd International Cruise Conference, University of Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik, Croatia). May 17th.)

Cruise Destination Management:   The ‘Growth Cruise to Ithaca’

(presented in the FVW Workshop  (Rhodes, Greece).  April 30th.)

Farming Icebergs:  Cruise Destination Marketing in the Northern Atlantic

(presented in the Cruise Gateway Opening Conference (Hamburg, Germany).  February 17th.)


Kreuzfahrt: Rendite oder Hype?

(presented in the FVW Kongress – Cruise Sales Day (Cologne, Germany).  September 15th.)

Cruise Research or Researcher Cruising?

(presented in the 2nd International Cruise Conference, University of Plymouth (Plymouth, UK). February 18th.)


Cruise Sector Growth & Destination Development: Development for cruising vs. Development through cruising

(presented in the Meeresnutzung im Jahr 2025:  Wirtschaftliche Chancen für Cuxhaven. Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade (Cuxhaven, Germany). November 14th.)

Booking cruises online: An issue of trust?

(presented in the 1st International Cruise Conference, Bremerhaven University of Applied Science (Bremerhaven, Germany). September 27th.)

Managing Systems Integration in Tourism: Exploring the Maintenance & Investment Traps

(presented in the 7th E-Tourism Futures Forum. University of Bournemouth (Bournemouth, UK). April 10th.)


Online Trust: Survival in the E-Tourism Battlefield

(presented in Online Trust: Vertrauen in digitalen Geschaeftsbeziehungen, University of Hanover (Leibnizhaus, Hanover, Germany). April 26th.)

Strategic Systems Integration

(presented in the 6th E-Tourism Futures Forum. University of Surrey (Guildford, UK). March 26th.)

(presented in the Assembly meeting of the Nautical Association Bremerhaven (Germany). March 26 and the Weser Yacht Club Bremerhaven (Germany) April 11)

Cruise Tourism Horizons 2050:  Learning from ‘Laomedon’s Curse’ and ‘Cassandra’s Fate’.

(presented in the Special Lecture Series (King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok) Thailand).  February 21)


From ‘Smart’ to ‘Intelligent’: The Sustainability Potential of Digitalisation in Tourism.

Von ,smart‘ zu ,intelligent‘: Das Nachhaltigkeits-Potenzial von Digitalisierung im Tourismus. (German Version-Slides 10-17)

(presented in the ‘i2b – Idea 2 Business – Event Series (Bremerhaven, Germany). September 21).

‘Damocles’ (Sustainability) Trident:  What are the prospects for cruise tourism (in English)?

‘Damokles-Nachhaltigkeitsdreizack’: Welche Perspektiven hat der Kreuzfahrttourismus?

(presented in the ‘EKD Tagung der Kreuzfahrtseelsorge’ Series (Hannover, Germany). September 5).

‘Monsters of the Seas’:  Why are cruise-ships getting bigger and what is their impact on ports and the environment? (in English)

‘Ungeheuer der Meere’:  Warum werden Kreuzfahrtschiffe immer größer und welche Auswirkungen haben sie auf Häfen und die Umwelt? (In German)

(presented in the ‘Science Goes Public’ Series (Bremerhaven, Germany). March 2) 

‘Handtuch-Krieg‘ und die ‘Strand-Krankheit‘ : Institutionelle Korruption und die Tourismusökonomie

(presented in the ‘Wissen um 11’: House der Wissenschaft Series (Bremen, Germany). February 11) 


Are Sustainable Cruises Possible? The ‘Headline Law’ of Cruising. 

(presented in the Niedersachsen Camp 2022 (Bremerhaven, Germany). November 29)   

Post-Pandemic Cruise Tourism: A Re-enactment of Kafka’s ‘Metamorphosis’?

(presented in the Cruise Copenhagen General Assemby (Copenhagen, Denmark). October 28)

The ‘$2 Million Shark’ Effect: Re-telling the Cruise Story and Restoring the Sector‘s Image.

(presented in the Cuxhavener Kreuzfahrtforum (Cuxhaven, Germany). June 16.)


MS Crisis of the Seas:  Cruises, COVID19 and the Future  

(presented in the Gdynia Maritime University – Project JOHANNA – Joint staff qualification and small-ship cruising sustainable development in South Baltic Sea. (Gdynia, Poland). October 18th).

Kreuzfahrttourismus & Nachhaltigkeit: „Seilspringen ist kein Seiltanz!“

(presented in the TWLogistik (Bremerhaven, Germany).  September 3rd.)

Cruise Port 2.0 – Das ‘Inside Out Terminal’:  Konzentration im Kreuzfahrtsektor – Bedeutet dies einen strategischen Paradigmenwechsel für die Häfen?

(presented in the 1. Stakeholder-Workshop zur Erarbeitung des Bremischen Hafenkonzeptes 2030 (Bremerhaven, Germany).  October 6th)


The Business Cycle in the Cruise Industry: A Short Cruise across the Blue Ocean

(presented in the International Cruise Summit 2019 (Madrid, Spain).  November 28th.)

(Mis)Understanding Overtourism and the Cruise Business:  The Zen of Cruise Management

(presented in the Handelsblatt Kreuzfahrtkongress 2019 (Hamburg, Germany).  November 18th)

(Mis)Understanding Overtourism and the Cruise Business:  ‘Open Source Tourism’ and the ‘Mozilla Firefox Haircut’

(presented in the1st Business Deck Hamburg Cruise Days (Hamburg, Germany). September 13th. )


Cruise Tourism DNA:  Making Sense of Current Developments and Challenges

(presented in the 70. Sitzung der Konferenz Tourismus beim Deutschen Städtetag, (Bremerhaven, Germany).  September 19th.)


A ‘Bathtub Model of Over-Tourism:  Exploring Causes, Challenges and Solutions

(presented in the 25th World Travel Monitor Forum (Pisa, Italy).  November 10th.)

Cruise 4.0:  Hands-On View on Current Trends and the Future

(presented in the 8th Rittal Branchentag Schiff & See (Hamburg, Germany).  May 9th)

‘Corruption Spice’: An Exploration of Corruption-related Perceptions of Holiday-Makers and their Impact on Travel Behaviour

(presented in the 1st Yellow Tourism Conference (Corfu, Greece).  April 28th)


Tourism Development:  Understanding and Effectively Managing Corruption

(presented in the Corruption, Democracy and Development Congress, (Constanta, Romania).  December 8th )

The ‘Augeas Stable’ Challenge: Combating Tourism-related Corruption

(presented in the Global Economy Under Crisis (GEUC) Conference 2016 (Contstanta, RO).  December 8th)

 Cruise Market: Vision Today and Future Perspectives

(presented in the Agents Association (AGEPOR) IX Congress 2016 (Oporto, PT).  October 9th)

‘High Hopes & High Seas’: The Role and Impact of Cruise Tourism in Destination Development

(presented in the International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA) Biennial Conference 2016 (Greenwich, UK).  August 19th)

‘The Tourism Minotaur’: Addressing Key Destination Policy and Strategy Challenges

(presented in the 1st Yellow Tourism Conference (Corfu, Greece).  April 28th)

‘Oysters and The Beach Disease’: A Critical Discussion on Tourism-Induced Economic Growth

(presented in the 13th Present Issues of Global Economy (PIGE) Conference, (Constanta, Romania).  June 3rd)


Kreuzfahrttourismus:  Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen? Wachstumsdynamik, Verantwortung und Ethik

(presented in the Bremerhavener Service Club Symposium (Bremerhaven, Germany).  November 18th).

‘The Poet and the Warrior’: Crisis Management, Reputation and Image in Tourism

(presented in the 5th CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Kherson, Ukraine).  September 9th)

F&B vs. Culinary Experience Management:  The Example of the Cruise Sector and Implications for Destination Product Development

(presented in the 4th CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Odessa, Ukraine).  July 21st.)

‘The Tourism Knot’ Hypothesis: Tourism Income and Economic Development

(presented in the 4th CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Batumi, Georgia & Odessa, Ukraine).  July 16th and 20th)

‘Putting a Smile on the Parrot’s Face:  An Exploration of the All-Inclusive Debate

(presented in the Conference for Sustainable Tourism & Development in the European Union, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (Kos, Greece).  May 2nd)

‘All at Sea’:  e-CruisingTransformation & Implications

(presented in the Conference for Sustainable Tourism & Development in the European Union, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (Kos, Greece).  May 1st)

‘Herding Cats’: Emerging, Guest-Centric Destination Development

(presented in the 3rd CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Varna, Bulgaria).  April 21st)

The‘Holiday Cartels’: Concentration in Tourism & Implications for the Destinations

(presented in the Workshop for Sustainable Tourism & Development in the European Union, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (Athens, Greece).  March 26th.)

Grounded Theory ‘Reloaded’: Bridging the Gap between Research Philosophy and Method

(presented in the Research Methodology Workshop, Utrecht University (Utrecht, Netherlands).  February 26th).


 Die Kreuzfahrtbranche und Zukunftsperspektiven: Warum ist Wachstum eine Phase und kein dauerhafter Zustand?

(presented in the Bremen Maritime Week, Bremer Touristik-Zentrale (Bremen, Germany). September 23rd)

Cruise Destination Development: “A Dwarf Challenging Giants” – The Case of Bremerhaven 

(presented in the Maritime Tourism Summer School, University of the Aegean (Rhodes, Greece). September 3rd.)

‘Cruise Tourism Mechanics’: Understanding the industry’s Dynamics & Current Structures

(presented in the Maritime Tourism Summer School, University of the Aegean (Rhodes, Greece). September 1st.)

The ‘Odessa Chandelier’: Black Sea Cruise Destination Management

(presented in the 2nd CruiseT TEMPUS Workshop (Bremerhaven, Germany). June 17th)

‘Freestyle Sirens’:  Reviewing a Decade of Cruise Research

(presented in the 2nd ICTR Conference (Poznan, Poland).  May 19th)

‘Stranded at Sea’: Exploring Passenger Reactions during Accidents at Sea

(presented in the 5th International Cruise Conference (Bremerhaven, Germany).  January 25th)

Cruise Passengers Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Cruises

(presented in the 5th International Cruise Conference (Bremerhaven, Germany).  January 25th)

‘Kann man aus Silber Gold machen?’: Kreuzfahrt und der Demografischer Wandel

(presented in the Sonderausstellung der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft zum Wissenschaftsjahr 2013 (Bremerhaven, Germany).  January 5th)


The ‘Cruise-Gate’ Analogy: Rethinking the Value of Port Alliances and Meeting Future Challenges

(presented in the fachforum*  Kreuzfahrttourismus in Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel, Germany).  November 28th.)

Research-Based Learning: An Opportunity for Academic ‘Para-olympics’

(presented in the GUUGLE Forum (Bremerhaven, Germany).  November 12th.)

The ‘Cruise Cake-Cherry Dilemma’: Cruise Development and Tourism Destinations

(presented in the TEE Workshop 2013 (Corfu, Greece).  February 19th.)


Managing ‘Cruise Leaks’: Navigating through a Sea of Information

(presented in the Handelsblatt Kreuzfahrtkongress 2011 (Hamburg, Germany).  November 22nd.)

Cruise Sector as a Global Tourism Player:  ‘Mass Class’ under the ‘Magnifying Glass’

(presented in the ICTR Conference (Peniche, Portugal).  November 7th.)

The ‘Cruise Apple’: Cruise Travel – Which Challenges lie Ahead?

(presented in the 20th World Travel Monitor Forum (Pisa, Italy).  October 31st.)

An Eye on Cruises: Cruise Market Overview 2012

(presented in the Maritime Tourism & Island Development Conference 2012, Aegean University (Chios, Greece). September 13th.)

The Daedalos Principle of Innovation Management

(presented in the DASTA Conference 2012, Ionian University (Corfu, Greece).)

‘Short of a Picnic’:  Reconsidering Sandwich Programmes in Cruise Education

(presented in the 4th International Cruise Conference, Stenden University (Leeuwarden, Netherlands). May 22nd.)


The Globalisation at Sea: Cruise Sector Growth and its Externalities

(presented in the Handelsblatt Kreuzfahrtkongress 2011 (Hamburg, Germany).  November 10th.)

‘The Weeping Philosopher’: How Sustainable is the Global Cruise Market

(presented in the 19th World Travel Monitor Forum (Pisa, Italy).  November 3rd.)

‘Income Lighthouses at Sea’: The Potential of Cruise Tourism for German Destinations

(presented in the fachforum*  Kreuzfahrttourismus in Schleswig-Holstein (Kiel, Germany).  September 9th.)

The ‘Cruise Ship Railing Dance’: Conducting academic research in the cruise domain

(presented in the 3rd International Cruise Conference, University of Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik, Croatia). May 17th.)

The ‘Sauna Mafia’ and the ‘Pyjama Raiders’: Exploring the dynamics of guest to guest interaction on board cruise ships

(presented in the 3rd International Cruise Conference, University of Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik, Croatia). May 17th.)

Cruise Destination Management:   The ‘Growth Cruise to Ithaca’

(presented in the FVW Workshop  (Rhodes, Greece).  April 30th.)

Farming Icebergs:  Cruise Destination Marketing in the Northern Atlantic

(presented in the Cruise Gateway Opening Conference (Hamburg, Germany).  February 17th.)


Kreuzfahrt: Rendite oder Hype?

(presented in the FVW Kongress – Cruise Sales Day (Cologne, Germany).  September 15th.)

Cruise Research or Researcher Cruising?

(presented in the 2nd International Cruise Conference, University of Plymouth (Plymouth, UK). February 18th.)


Cruise Sector Growth & Destination Development: Development for cruising vs. Development through cruising

(presented in the Meeresnutzung im Jahr 2025:  Wirtschaftliche Chancen für Cuxhaven. Industrie- und Handelskammer Stade (Cuxhaven, Germany). November 14th.)

Booking cruises online: An issue of trust?

(presented in the 1st International Cruise Conference, Bremerhaven University of Applied Science (Bremerhaven, Germany). September 27th.)

Managing Systems Integration in Tourism: Exploring the Maintenance & Investment Traps

(presented in the 7th E-Tourism Futures Forum. University of Bournemouth (Bournemouth, UK). April 10th.)


Online Trust: Survival in the E-Tourism Battlefield

(presented in Online Trust: Vertrauen in digitalen Geschaeftsbeziehungen, University of Hanover (Leibnizhaus, Hanover, Germany). April 26th.)

Strategic Systems Integration

(presented in the 6th E-Tourism Futures Forum. University of Surrey (Guildford, UK). March 26th.)

Web Content Copyright: Prof.Dr.Dr.Alexis Papathanassis 2018 / WP Theme: blogeasy by ThemesPoint.