UN Ocean Decade: A Productive Ocean and the Role of Tourism

The UN’s Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, the ‘Ocean Decade’, from 2021 to 2030 provides a common framework to ensure that ocean science can fully support countries to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Within this framework, tourism in general and coastal / maritime tourism in partcular, plays a central role. Within […]

Academics on Cruises and the COVID19 Crisis: The past, present and future of Cruising

While the COVID19 has put the world economy at a halt, the big questions facing tourism and cruises assume center-stage. Like most crises, this one brings forward the ‘characters’ of individuals, as well as organisations and industries. Here you can listen to an excellent podcast from ABC Radio (Australia), featuring international academic personalities, on the […]

Cruises and Emissions… The Real Question is Simple!

Cruise-Ship-Industry.com – Citation: “In absolute terms, the report said that Spain, Italy and Greece, closely followed by France and Norway, are the European countries most exposed to SOx air pollution from cruise vessels, while Barcelona, Palma (Maj) and Venice are the most impacted European port cities, followed by Civitavecchia and Southampton. These countries are more […]

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